本文共 10165 字,大约阅读时间需要 33 分钟。
但是我要给你一个惊喜,这个数据量,一台RDS PG实例即可。怎么做呢?听我道来,用最少的资源解决业务问题,用到RDS PG黑科技。
2、计算满足条件的USER COUNT值时,并行计算(使用dblink异步调用)
create extension dblink; create extension varbitx;
postgres=# create table t_bitmap ( tagid int, -- 标签ID ofid int, -- 偏移值, 乘以5000万 v varbit -- userid 比特 ); CREATE TABLE
create unique index idx_t_bitmap_1 on t_bitmap (tagid, ofid);
postgres=# do language plpgsql $$ declare v varbit := repeat('1',5000000)::varbit; begin for i in 1..100 loop for x in 0..399 loop insert into t_bitmap values (i, x, v); end loop; end loop; end; $$; DO Time: 150468.359 ms (02:30.468)
create or replace function conn( name, -- dblink名字 text -- 连接串,URL ) returns void as $$ declare begin perform dblink_connect($1, $2); return; exception when others then return; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
6、AND标签组合的并行计算函数(dblink 异步并行),返回USERID透视数。
create or replace function get_bitcount_and( and_tagids int[], -- 输入标签ID数组 v_bit int, -- 求1或0的比特个数 conn text, -- 连接串 OUT cnt int8 -- 返回值, 多少个1或0 ) returns setof int8 as $$ declare begin for i in 0..399 loop -- 生成400个链接,因为每行5000万,20亿个BIT,刚好400条。并LOOP perform conn('link'||i, conn); -- 连接 perform dblink_get_result('link'||i); -- 消耗掉上一次异步连接的结果,否则会报错。 -- 发送异步DBLINK调用 -- 每次操作一个bit分段,返回BIT为0或1的位数 perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format('select bit_count(bit_and(v), %s) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', v_bit, and_tagids, i)); end loop; for i in 0..399 loop -- 返回异步调用结果,包括所有分段 return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
7、OR标签组合的并行计算函数(dblink 异步并行),返回USERID透视数。
create or replace function get_bitcount_or( or_tagids int[], v_bit int, conn text, -- 连接串 OUT cnt int8 ) returns setof int8 as $$ declare begin for i in 0..399 loop perform conn('link'||i, conn); perform dblink_get_result('link'||i); perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format('select bit_count(bit_or(v), %s) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', v_bit, or_tagids, i)); end loop; for i in 0..399 loop return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
8、AND,OR 标签组合的并行计算函数(dblink 异步并行),返回USERID透视数。
create or replace function get_bitcount_and_or( and_tagids int[], or_tagids int[], v_bit int, conn text, -- 连接串 OUT cnt int8 ) returns setof int8 as $$ declare begin for i in 0..399 loop perform conn('link'||i, conn); perform dblink_get_result('link'||i); perform dblink_send_query('link'||i, format(' with t1 as (select bit_and(v) b from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s), t2 as (select bit_or(v) b from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s) select bit_count(bitor(t1.b, t2.b), %s) from t1,t2', and_tagids, i, or_tagids, i, v_bit)); end loop; for i in 0..399 loop return query SELECT * FROM dblink_get_result('link'||i) as t(cnt int8); end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
-- 更复杂的QUERY,可以自行修改函数。实际业务中这种需求较少。 -- (a and b andc or d) or (a and c) or (d and not b)..........
一个标签: postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,1) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 791.392 ms 10个标签组合: postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,10) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 847.427 ms 50个标签组合: postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,50) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 1478.847 ms (00:01.479) 100个标签组合: postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and(array_agg(id),1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,100) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 2574.761 ms (00:02.575)
10、AND 、 OR组合性能如下,性能一样:
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,1) t(id)) t; sum ----- (1 row) Time: 854.934 ms postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,10) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 889.472 ms postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,50) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 1519.031 ms (00:01.519) postgres=# select sum(cnt) from (select get_bitcount_and_or(array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 0 then id end), array_agg(case mod(id,2) when 1 then id end), 1,'dbname=postgres user=postgres') cnt from generate_series(1,100) t(id)) t; sum ------------ 2000000000 (1 row) Time: 2597.701 ms (00:02.598)
11、求USERID,AND 函数如下,我们为了达到高速响应,使用游标返回。
create or replace function get_pos_and( and_tagids int[], -- 标签组合 v_bit int -- 求1或0的BIT位,返回游标,游标包含ofid与位置下标(当然了,这个翻译动作也可以交给程序,那么返回BIT和ofid即可) ) returns setof refcursor as $$ declare ref refcursor[]; -- 返回游标数组 res refcursor; -- 返回游标 sql text; -- 游标对应的SQL,即取USERID位置的SQL begin for x in 1..400 loop -- 生成400个游标名 ref[x] := 'cur'||x; end loop; for i in 0..399 loop -- 使用0到399的偏移值, 乘以5000万系数。 -- 赋予游标名 res := ref[i+1]; -- 生成游标对应的动态SQL(ofid, bit位置),注意bit位置可以不翻译,交给程序翻译也没问题。程序翻译的话,翻译好之后,再使用in查询字典 -- select uid from uid_mapping where pos in (pos_array); -- 1亿,in 100万, 380毫秒 -- [《HTAP数据库 PostgreSQL 场景与性能测试之 25 - (OLTP) IN , EXISTS 查询》](201711/20171107_26.md) sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_and(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, and_tagids, i); -- 打开游标 open res for execute sql ; -- 返回游标 return next res; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
12、求USERID,OR 函数如下,我们为了达到高速响应,使用游标返回。
create or replace function get_pos_or( or_tagids int[], v_bit int ) returns setof refcursor as $$ declare ref refcursor[]; res refcursor; sql text; begin for x in 1..400 loop ref[x] := 'cur'||x; end loop; for i in 0..399 loop res := ref[i+1]; sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_or(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, or_tagids, i); open res for execute sql ; return next res; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
13、求USERID,AND OR 函数如下,我们为了达到高速响应,使用游标返回。
create or replace function get_pos_and_or( and_tagids int[], or_tagids int[], v_bit int ) returns setof refcursor as $$ declare ref refcursor[]; res refcursor; sql text; begin for x in 1..400 loop ref[x] := 'cur'||x; end loop; for i in 0..399 loop res := ref[i+1]; sql := format('with t1 as (select bit_and(v) v from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s), t2 as (select bit_or(v) v from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s) select %s, bit_posite(bitor(t1.v, t2.v), %s, true) from t1,t2', and_tagids, i, or_tagids, i, i, v_bit); open res for execute sql ; return next res; end loop; end; $$ language plpgsql strict;
postgres=# begin; BEGIN Time: 0.031 ms postgres=# select * from get_pos_and_or(array[1,2,3], array[4,5,6], 1); get_pos_and_or ---------------- cur1 cur2 cur3 cur4 cur5 cur6 cur7 .... cur399 cur400 (400 rows) Time: 88.069 ms
fetch 1 from cur1; Time: 692.408 ms
15、如果我们把位置翻译放到客户端做,那么只需要获取结果BITMAP,那就更快了,224毫秒就可以获取5000万BIT走。 这块也能做成并发,每个客户端获取不同的ofid。
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_pos_and(and_tagids integer[]) RETURNS SETOF refcursor LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICTAS $function$declare ref refcursor[]; res refcursor; sql text;begin for x in 1..400 loop ref[x] := 'cur'||x; end loop; for i in 0..399 loop res := ref[i+1]; -- sql := format('select %s, bit_posite(bit_and(v), %s, true) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, v_bit, and_tagids, i); sql := format('select %s, bit_and(v) from t_bitmap where tagid = any (%L) and ofid=%s', i, and_tagids, i); open res for execute sql ; return next res; end loop;end;$function$;postgres=# \timingTiming is on.postgres=# begin;BEGINTime: 0.045 mspostgres=# select get_pos_and(array_agg(id)) from generate_series(1,100) t(id); get_pos_and ------------- cur1 cur2 cur3... cur397 cur398 cur399 cur400(400 rows)fetch 1 from cur1;Time: 224.776 ms
包含b1,同时不包含b2的用户postgres=# select b1 & bitxor(b1,b2) from (values (bit'11001100', bit'11000001')) as t(b1,b2); ?column? ---------- 00001100(1 row) 使用这个方法,新增一个UDF即可。
varbitx是阿里云RDS PG提供的一个插件,使用它,单个RDS PG就可以实现万亿级别USER_TAGS的实时圈选。